Soundtrack to Bluegrass Pride

Written by: Kara Kundert

Last year, The Bluegrass Situation released a playlist they had made for Pride -- particularly in the face of tragedy following the terrorist attack at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Unfortunately, attacks such as these remind us why Pride remains so necessary and powerful for our community. 

"In the wake of tragedy, like the senseless killing of 49 people at the Orlando LGBTQ nightclub Pulse on June 12, music is often one of the best sources of comfort and understanding. In songs, we can find hope; we can vent anger; we can be moved to tears. Perhaps most importantly, though, we can find a much-needed sense of community with the simple push of a button.

"When a specific community is attacked, as was the case with the gay community in Orlando, it becomes especially important to honor that community's cultural touchstones, which is why we put together this playlist of songs that we feel exemplify what it means to celebrate Pride. The playlist shows not only a wide range of takes on what it can mean to make roots music, but also how diversity has become an integral part of roots culture itself. The artists below represent some of the most important LGBTQ voices in roots music, past and present, and we couldn’t be prouder to have them as part of our community here at BGS."

Today we remember those who have been lost and taken from us, and we celebrate who we are alive today and how wonderful it is that we are here to share our hearts with the world. To do so, we are creating a playlist of our own. We've taken a few songs from the original BGS Pride playlist from last year, some of our own favorite songs, and now we're asking you to send us your suggestions!

Do you know any bluegrass or old-time songs that exemplify pride, love, diversity, and inclusion? Send us your recommendations (we can be reached through email, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!) and together we can make a playlist for the first ever #bluegrasspride celebration. 

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