Mini-Grant Program

Funds are distributed on a rolling basis as applications come in. Grant projects and recipients are announced publicly as awarded.
- Hotel stays
- Conference passes
- Music video production
- Application fees
- Software
- Gear
- Classes and training sessions
- Beginner instruments
- Living expenses
- And more!
You do not need to be a professional musician to apply! These grants are aiming to provide resources to everyone from beginner pickers to touring musicians to industry professionals. All are welcome to apply; preference will be given to projects led by LGBTQ+ folks, Black, Brown, Indigenous, and Asian people, and women.
Applications will be evaluated based on how closely the project aligns with our mission to support and uplift queer and marginalized voices in American traditional music, how time-sensitive the request is, and how feasible your project plan is.
Interested? Think you qualify? Have a project in need of a cash infusion? Submit an application today!
I want to help!
Want to contribute to Bluegrass Pride and our mini-grants program? Make a gift to help us grow and sustain programs like this!
Bluegrass Pride is a Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 83-3224672. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer.